Glorious Ministries Internaltional




For over seven years now the Lord has been directing us to reach out to Asiawith the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are especially called and dedicated to reaching Pakistan with the gospel and praying for the persecuted Christians and the entire nation of Pakistan is our passion. Recently the Lord has heard our prayers by linking us to a man God Rev Yousaf Younas Sahil who was led by the Holy Spirit to start Glorious Ministries Pakistan International. To God be the glory the ministry is growing daily and signs and wonders are accompanying the work Pakistan.


GLOM Pakistan Leaders


GLOM Pakistan Women Leaders


Apart from supporting from the ministry headquarters in London United Kingdom, we also support widows in Pakistan at Christmas and through out the year as the Lord provides.


We are sponsoring an orphan’s education as we believe it the Lord’s will for her to complete her studies and help her mother, sibling, the society and the Kingdom of God above all. Every Christmas we send help to children, widows and orphans in Pakistan to put a smile in their faces as The Lord provides.

Prayer Focus

•Pray for the brethren in Pakistan to preach the word of God with boldness and that sings and wonder will always accompany their crusades.

•Pray that the Lord will continue to expose the work of terrorists in Pakistan.

•Pray that some of the terrorists will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ thus eschewing violence.

•Pray for more finances to enable us carry out the mission in Pakistan.

•It will encourage the Pakistani Government to move swiftly and decisively to bring to justice the perpetrators, inciters and collaborators of the deadly incident.

•It will encourage the Pakistani Government to reform the Police Service in Pakistan.

•It will encourage the Pakistani Government to make sure the rule of law is carried out for justice for those who have fallen asleep in Christ as a result of this deadly incident.

•It will encourage the Pakistani Government to repeal the Blasphemy Law, or add other amendments to the Blasphemy Law and enforce those amendments that have already been put into place.

•It will reinforce the British Governments criticism of these incidents and encourage further international pressure on the Pakistani Government to act in accordance with the above bullet points.

•It will encourage the UK Church to take more seriously its obligations towards its persecuted brothers and sisters.

Please send your donations through the donate page or via our contact page.

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