Glorious Ministries Internaltional



Theme: Behold I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth and shall you not know it? Isaiah 43:19.

The Lord has spoken that a strong prophetic and apostolic voice will emerge
this year to give the Church and the world direction in view of the happenings around
the world as well as to blow the trumpet for the coming of the king of glory. In order to
usher a massive revival and harvest of souls in Britain and around the globe, and indeed ensure the full manifestation of the children of God in the 21st century and beyond, the Lord has called for an apostolic and prophetic network to carry out the mandate and accomplish the mission. This vision was revealed by the Lord and confirmed by men and women of God since 2005, but the Lord has constrained us to start until now.Some of the missions and visions include the following:

Mission and Vision

• To restore true apostolic and prophetic movement to enable individuals to fulfil their God given potentials devoid of manipulation and personal agendas.

• To build a church without spot or wrinkle, watching and praying for the coming of the King of Glory.

• To network ministers and ministries of like passion and calling, as iron sharpens
iron, thus breaking the wall of partition in the body.

• To check and correct error and spirit of false prophecy within the body of Christ.

• To fulfil the great commission Matthew 28, by collaborating in strategic missions
and evangelistic outreaches.

• To raise saints that will fully manifest the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit Ephesians
4, 1st Cor 14, and Gal 5

• To contend and contain the kingdom of darkness by raising awareness for Spiritual warfare and all kinds of prayer, thus taking the battles to the gates of the enemy. Eph 6:10-15.

• To ensure moral and spiritual accountability and transparency amongst members
and associates.

• To raise a ministry of reconciliation in the body as the many shall be offended in the last days.

• To blow the trumpet for the coming of the King of kings 1Peter. This network will not be about promoting personal agendas and ego, neither will it represent ethnic or racial divide; but it will be essentially about Jesus and the Kingdom of God. It is also about raising, establishing and connecting prophetic and apostolic ministers to launch into the deep.

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