Glorious Ministries Internaltional



Dear Beloved Partner


We bless the name of the Lord for seeing us through the first and second quarter of 2014, the year of enlargement of our coast an unusual favour from God. We give God praise for the following successes, which have been made possible by the special grace of God and through your prayers and financial support.

• Contiguous growth in Lahore Pakistan Church. We are looking for sponsors for underprivileged students at our Theological College in Lahore Pakistan. We still require donation of books or computers as well.
• Significant progress in Bible translation. Due to lack funds the progress durng
the last qurter has been very slow. But we hope to speed it up as soon funds are available.

• Regular hosting of Apostolic and Prophetic Network (APN) with more ministers
joining, and branches now in Ireland and Nigeria, with a potential start in Accra
Ghana. The last meeting was a prophetic praise was full of power and glory. The next one is scheduled for the 13th of September is will dedicated to praying for Nigeria.
We give God praise.

• Resumption of Destiny Night Vigil: By God’s grace we are now able of hold monthly prophetic prayer on the 1st Saturday of the month.

• Improvement in the use of social media

• Daily Prophetic Devotional. The Lord has enable us to send daily prophetic
message to encourage and strengthen the body. We would like to quote two of the many testimonies from few people among many who have been blessed by the messages.

Thank you Pastor daily spiritual food you give us.. I need it this as I work in a hostile environment. Your daily words are so true and they in spire me. God send you the right words God bless you… Sister Sandra

I thank God for this aspect fo your minsitry. It’s been a blessing to me and I believe that others are blessed also. I pray you will continue in his grace. Bro Felix

Thank you for your blessed words. Reubena

I really like the referral of a heavenly princess! Made me feel special. Sonia

Morning Pastor, Thank you for you prayer and rhema word in season. May the Lord Almighty continue to uphold you and your family and enlarge your territory. May your oil never dry. Mary

As we reported in the last quarter, the success of acquiring the building came along with enormous challenges as well. The project is estimated to cost up to £10, 000.00. But with volunteer labour, it might cost us a little less. Acquiring the building meant paying more than twice the rent we used to pay in the past apart from the bills associated. Consequently, we have fallen behind in paying the rent in Pakistan in last for a couple of months. There are also the challenges of staff allowances. Also, we are still unable to reach out to widows and orphans in Nigeria and Philippines, as we are supposed to. We will request your one off or instalment donation of any amount towards this project.

Prayer Points

We still solicit your prayers in the following areas.
• More focus in the area of evangelism, crusades follow-up.
• More focus on ministry of the word and prayer.
• Continuous and precise prophetic unction from on high.
• God to accompany our ministration with signs and wonders.
• Visit Pakistan and carry out a crusade, as well reach out to India and Bangladesh.
• Reach out more to Philippines, Nigeria, Congo DRC.
• The Lord to keep the doors in Kenya, Burundi, Malawi and South Africa open.
• Reach out to eastern Europeans, especially Bulgaria and Romanians.
• Growth and expansion of house prayer cells as well as the emergence of house cell leaders.
• Secure funding to complete, publish, print and launch Bible Translation and literacy materials.
• The grace to initiate new translation projects in some communities in Northern
Nigeria such as Ikulu, Kamanton, Duya and Koro etc.
• Spiritual and financial growth of members, leaders and partners.
• The revival of the youth wing of the ministry who were not active in the last quarter of last year.
• The Lord will enable us identify and escape any forms of temptation, it does
not matter how subtle or seemingly benign they are.
• More effective usage of social media to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We will still count on your continuous prayer and financial support in 2014 and beyond. May God richly bless you in Jesus name. If you are led to set up a direct debit or a standing order, the following is our ministry account details.

Account name: Glorious Ministries International
Bank: Barclays
Account Number: 23652610
Sort code: 20-67-90
Please follow us on Facebook: and Twitter: GLOM INT@DrJosephKyari
or text us on +44(0)7940999806/+44(0)7438916139.
Yours in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dr Joseph Kyari
Senior Pastor


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