Glorious Ministries Internaltional



Dear Beloved Partner

We bless the name of the Lord for your continuous prayer and financial support
to this ministry. You have been of immense encouragement to us in high and low times, in plenty and in need, in joy and pain, and in hope and despair. The Church
of God is marching on and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.

House Fellowships:

Although we initially conceived to start 3 prayer cells, by his grace we now have four prayer cells in Barking and Eastham, with the potential of starting four others in Romford, Forest Gate and Dagenham before the end of the year. The Lord has instructed us to lay sound foundation on biblical doctrine such as salvation, authority
of the believer, responsibilities of the believer, forgiveness, the person and power of
the Holy Spirit etc. By God’s grace, we are trusting God for cell leaders to emerge
and be ready to take up mantle of leader by the end of this year. To the glory of God,
in one of the houses, the head of the house gave his life to Christ, and in another
home, the husband and his wife decided to rededicate their lives afresh to Jesus.
All glory is ascribed to God!

The Church in Pakistan:

The Church in Pakistan is growing at a fast rate. The Lord is adding to their numbers men, women, and children every day.






Last month, Pastor Sahil and his team of pastors organized a crusade. People attended in large numbers and their testimonies of the presence and power of the God. Many souls gave their lives to Christ and there were miraculous healing and restoration.

However, in August, the month of monsoon, some of the brothers and sister were visited with a devastating flood. While many people died as a result of the flood, some of our members only lost their houses and properties. About six members of our Church seriously affected. They are now homeless and living in sheltered accommodation.





We request that you pray for them because they are in distress, having lost their homes, properties and means of livelihood. We are also making urgent appeal for support to send relief to the affected brethren.

Bible Translation:

I am delighted to inform you that reasonable progress has been made on the
Bible translation project. By His grace, I have been able to edit the four gospels
and Acts of Apostles. It is a thing of joy to see what just a vision, has become a
reality, and the plans of Satan to silence and distort the work have been destroyed.

A new team of translators has been set up with a view to giving the project a new lease of life and the push it deserves so that we can reach the finishing line. A new literacy committee was also inaugurated in May this year to plan a launching of the literacy project, with a view to setting up literacy projects in many of the villages of
the target speakers Gong (Kagoma). The launching, which was initially scheduled
for August this year, is now being planned for the first quarter of next year.

Please pray that we find funding for both the translation and literacy projects, as we are led to start projects son in Kamanton, IKulu, Adara, Kaningkong, Koro etc .

Note: As of November 2012, the full Bible has been translated into only 518 languages and 2798] languages have at least some portion of the Bible,
out of 6,900.

Senior Pastor now in fulltime Ministry update

In the last newsletter, I informed you that I am now in fulltime ministry. It could not have been timelier. Now I have more time to focus of the ministry in the UK and overseas, the difference is quite obvious. It is surprising how many things have been left undone over the years, and how structures need to put in place in many of the departments. Please pray that we put our priorities right by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Daily Prophetic Word: For a couple of years now, the Lord has instructed the senior pastor to embark on daily prophetic word via SMS. We praise God for the huge impact it has made and is still making to our members, friends, associates and partners. The feedbacks have been phenomenal and assuring. The following are some of the numerous feedbacks.

Dear Pastor: Indeed you are a man of God. The message to me this morning made me to realize that God hasn’t forgotten me. Sometimes think he is too far away from me, but reading your message made realize that he is not.

Amen. This is timely message. It’s a revelation from the Lord to me. As if you see my heart. God is good!

Amen! As you strengthen and encourage us. The Lord himself will strength and encourage you also. Have a blessed day!

Please pray that we remain faithful in reaching out and ministering to a hundred plus people five day a week. We also hope to reach out to brethren in Pakistan, Nigeria
and Ghana soon.

Missions Coordinator in Nigeria: Plans are on the way to appoint a mission’s coordinator in Nigeria. Initial consultations have been made with the coordinator with a view to appointing him soon. If the Lord permits us, he will assume office from January 2014. We also trust God that two other staff will join him as well the first quarter of 2014 on full time or part time basis. Pray that the Lord will guide us to make the right appointments in order to move the vision forward in Nigeria.

Glorious Women: The inaugural meeting of the women of wing of our ministry will be launched in the last quarter of the year. Led by my wife, Sister Cecilia Kyari, it is aimed, amongst other things, at raising apostolic an prophetic women of virtue, power and glory for the end time harvest. Please expect an invitation soon!

Apostolic and prophetic Network: The apostolic and prophetic network is really firmly rooted and gaining more momentum by God’s grace. In every meeting, the move of the Holy Spirit is different. The Lord has instructed us to devote most of this year into intercession for the nations and the body of Christ, the church. We now have leadership structures in place at both national and international levels, with few more offices to be filled. We currently have the network in the UK, Pakistan and the Republic of Ireland, with the potentials of inaugurating chapters in Nigeria and Ghana. Please pray that the vision shall be very effective, as we build according to the pattern the Lord has revealed to us.

If you are led to set up a direct debit or a standing order, the following is our ministry account details.

Account name: Glorious Ministries International
Bank: Barclays
Account Number: 23652610
Sort code: 20-67-90
Please follow us on Facebook: and Twitter: GLOM INT@DrJosephKyari
God bless you really good.
Dr Joseph Kyari
Senior Pastor


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