Glorious Ministries Internaltional




To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ

To alleviate the suffering of the poor and needy through charitable activities.

To educate and develop children and young adults through extra tuition, sports and music education

To empower young people through social and economic enterprise.

To empower young people with education to improve their chances of achieving their career aspirations and goals

To create awareness amongst young people against satanic strongholds and social ills like drugs, alcohol, gun and gang cultures.

To empower women, by organising accredited and non-accredited workshops and training to empower women in education, business and enterprise.

To empower men to fulfil their fatherly and spiritual roles as well as succeed in their career aspirations and goals.

To raise children in the fear of Lord with sound spiritual, moral and social values.

To raise a generation of men, women and youth that will manifest diversity of gifts to affect their generation and generations yet unborn. To enable people discover their different gifting, develop them and maximise their God’s given potentials.
Joel 2 and Act 2.

Glorious Ministries Internaltional - © 2025

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