Glorious Ministries Internaltional



Dear Beloved Partner

We bless the name of the Lord for your continuous prayer and financial support to this ministry. You have been of immense encouragement to us in high and low times, in plenty and in need, in joy and pain, and in hope and despair. The Church of God is marching on and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.

House Fellowships

You will recall in the last newsletter, we informed you that following the leading
the Holy Spirit, we inaugurated three house cells in London. These cells are
planned to meet fortnightly to pray and study the word of God. We still covert your
prayers so that leaders full of the Holy Spirit, and wisdom and of honest report will emerge and lead the cells and the ministry will grow astronomically as a result
of our obedience to His bidding.

The Church in Pakistan

Glorious Ministries in Pakistan is growing everyday as the Lord is adding to them
those who are saved. Very recently they had converts from the Muslim faith, who
having received a miracle, believe in the Lord Jesus.

It may interest you to know that, as part of our global mission, the Church in
Pakistan has started a Bible School with a view to equipping the saints. The
mission of Glorious Bible College & Theological Seminary is to train, develop and
equip men and women called by God for ordained and other ministries to fulfil the
Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

We are currently seeking affiliation with reputable Theological College in the
UK or USA to accredit the course and ensure that the students have worldwide recognised qualifications.

Pray that the Lord will enable us to find the right Theological College and raise
enough finances to fund the courses and carry out the much desired crusades
in the city of Lahore, as it has been a monumental challenge to send financial
support every month and to plan for the crusade as well.

Bible Translation

In the previous editions of our newsletters, I informed you that our ministry is
solely responsible for the completion of The Gyong New Testament and Psalms
Bible Translation project. Although the project is painstakingly slow, the end is at
sight by His grace. Our aim is to ensure that the four gospels are thoroughly
edited and tested.

Once this is completed, the team of translators will now use the gospels as the
model to complete the editing of the epistles, the book of Revelation and the Psalms.

In order to ensure that the speakers are literate in the language, I have embarked
on a project to produce literacy materials for distribution and also with a view to
setting up literacy classes in community centres. I hope to produce primers,
reading materials and language book, which are reader friendly to both linguists
and laymen.

I believe that this will go a long way to prepare the people to read the Bible when
it is finally published. In future, we also do hope to produce the literacy materials
and the Bible Project in a digital form to ensure easy accessibility and wider consumption.

You may be wondering why we spend so much time and resources on such a
project. I would like to leave you with no doubt Bible Translation projects are part
and parcel of fulfilling the Great Commission. It has been proven from the Day of Pentecost till present date that the best way to reach out to a people with the
gospel of Jesus Christ is through the medium of their language.

Senior Pastor now in fulltime Ministry

You may or may not aware that I had been tent making since the inception of the ministry. As an educationist, I sought employment in the education sector in the
UK in order to meet the needs of the ministry and family. But as time went on, the pressure from my role, as a manger, in a prestigious FE College became so enormous that I did not have sufficient time to be effective in ministry.

By the end of last year, the Lord began to warn me to be aware of distraction. After much prayer and careful consultation and deliberation, it has become necessary to leave the job in order to concentrate on the main calling: ministry of the word, prayer, prophecy, crusades and missions. This is in addition to the Apostolic and Prophetic network, which the Lord enabled me to pioneer and lead.

Please I will covet your prayer that I will stay focused and build according to the heavenly pattern and to be faithful to the end. I praise God that I am blessed and
highly favoured by God with gifted children who are enormous help and support in all aspects of the ministry.

Pray for my family who bear most of the brunt of pressure from the ministry. Pray
for my wife in particular for more grace and wisdom in the work of the ministry.

We thank you so much for your prayer and financial support during the last quarter.
We will continue to count on your prayer and financial support. If you are led to set
up a direct debit or a standing order, the following is our ministry account details.

Account name: Glorious Ministries International
Bank: Barclays
Account Number: 23652610
Sort code: 20-67-90
God bless you really good.
Dr Joseph Kyari
Senior Pastor
Email:,, Web:


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